What LaunchU is All About 

I want to help you articulate the message you've gained through your process. Because you've been to hell and back and the experiences you had need to be captured. 

You have a story and a destiny that can only be accessed once you bleed it on a page. You've wondered why you can't fully heal or escape your trauma but you're like King David, whose healing was found in the Psalms. 

So if you're ready turn it all around and bless someone with your message, I'm here to help. 

Sign up for LaunchU and I'll give you continual mentorship for your author call. 

LaunchU $249
Pay once for lifetime access to bi-monthly workshops

Join LaunchU

Sign Up and Receive These benefits  

One-on-One Zoom Consultation 

Sit down with me with me for direction and prophetic insight. I'll share vision with you for your book and broaden your expectation for it's reach. 

I promise I won't let you go without giving you the next steps you need to move forward 

Set Up Your 1-on-1

Author Courses 

12 author apprenticeship lessons to make you a better writer (You will learn how to create chapters and use language that arrests your audience!)

Courses Include:

  • Author Apprenticeship 
  • Led By The Spirit in the Marketplace

Access Lesson 1

Bi- Monthly 

Join future workshops that  contribute to your launch strategy. I'll personally mentor you and provide you with specific direction. 

You'll also work with professionals in the publishing industry 

Attend next live event

Receive ongoing support and free access to all future bi-monthly workshops 

Your road was never going to be easy, but I need you to know, every step has purpose. I want to be the catalyst to draw that purpose out of you.

Next LaunchU Event Starts..

June 22nd, 3pm EST









Recent Event: 

The Call of the Author

The call of the writer is the first calling in the Bible. Without it, we have no written Word of the Lord. God is still working with authors to do His work today and you're one of them. Sign up to accept your call as a writer.  

The 3 Sessions Include

  1. The call of the writer - Colette Toach
  2. Tapping into supernatural ideas - Jessica Toach
  3. Spirit led marketing - Matt Kim
Accept The Call

  LaunchU Recent Speakers 

Authors Like U


Needed Help
Finding Her Voice

"My training with Apostle Colette has changed the course of my writing.  At one point, I considered never writing again but now I'm writing my 2nd book. I've learned strategies, I've gained tools, but most importantly... I've discovered my voice and who I am as an author"

- Tina Smith

Loved Hands on Training From Someone who cared

"Colette coaches us not just from the art of coaching but from the heart. She cares more about you and your book than you do! She journeys with you as if she's writing the book but you're really the one writing it."

- Gwendolyn Henry


Returning Author Who Almost Gave Up!

"My Dream of becoming an author was brought back to life! Through Colette's knowledge and expertise, I was able to craft a devotional that will enrich many lives. If you're thinking of writing a book, don't wait, 2024 is the year of the open door."

- Lilly Simmons 

1st Time Author Who
Needed Guidance

"I tried writing on my own but I never realized how much I needed someone in my corner. I needed someone with an outside eye to tell me to keep writing because my message was worth it." 

- Anne Chen